Over the years, there has been a breakdown in trust between the Eanes community and the Board of Trustees - I experienced this first hand, and I’ve heard other parents share the same story countless times. We, parents, are the customers, so we must all ask this essential question: is the board empathetic to my time or my voice? I think the answer is obviously no, and it is one of the primary reasons I decided to run, and changing this is critical to taking Eanes to the Next Level of Excellence. In my view, there are three components that I hope to focus on as your next Trustee to rebuild trust in the community: communication, accountability, and ethics.
The absence of communication breeds mistrust. For too long, Eanes' parents have felt like their conversations with the Board have been a one-way street – questions, concerns, feedback, emails, and phone calls go unanswered. That stops with me. As your Trustee, I will adopt Superintendent Jeff Arnett’s policy on communication which he told to me while preparing to appear for the first time on an Eanes Parents Unite podcast episode: “I’m here for you, what do you want to talk about? I’ll answer any question you ask.”
Policy Proposals
Starting right now, I will keep standing office hours and meeting availability solely for the purpose of meeting with constituents. Click here to schedule a meeting.
I will provide unfettered confidential access to any parent, teacher, student, taxpayer, or administrator in the Eanes school district.
I will commit to listening to all sides of any issue and considering perspectives that I might disagree with.
To achieve the Next Level of Excellence, the Board of Trustees must be accountable for whether their decisions result in the District achieving its stated mission and goals. In business, consumer behavior will demand accountability. As a parent, or current “customer” of Eanes ISD, I am running to join the Board and ensure that Eanes ISD exceeds the expectations of parents, students, teachers and property taxpayers.
Policy Proposals
As the only member of the board with extensive CEO experience, I will make business-driven decisions that encourage the long-term health of the Eanes ISD organization.
I will commit to avoiding matters or distractions that deviate from Eanes sole purpose of existence: providing an excellent and market-ready education.
I will analyze all Eanes’ goals, strategies, and results line-by-line to ensure we are on target for exceptional performance from top to bottom.
Eanes has not only some of the brightest kids, but the brightest parents in the world too. To ensure the Board is as highly motivated to deliver excellence as possible, I strongly believe that our Board of Trustees should be have no less than 50% of the seats filled with parents with kids in Eanes schools (during the entirety of their tenure). Trustees should have to live with the financial decisions they make for Eanes district property taxpayers.
Policy Proposals
I pledge to only serve on the Board of Trustees as long as I have children and pay property taxes in the district. When that time comes to an end, I will make room for another Eanes parent to take my place.
If elected, I will work to enshrine these standards in Eanes ISD policy and state law.
With your help and your vote on May 4th, I will lead the Eanes Board of Trustees on these issues in order to take Eanes ISD to the Next Level of Excellence.
Aaron M. Silva
Candidate for Place 5
Eanes Board of Trustees
Quick References:
Early Voting: April 22–30; Election Day: May 4
Click here: Schedule a private meeting with Aaron
Click here: Join the Campaign
Click here: Listen to the Eanes Parents Unite Podcast (available on all major platforms )